Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writing, Eating, and Movies...a little of everyday life.

1. Sarah Dessen
This blog is intriguing to me because she mixes the adversity of being a published, successful author with being a mom, wife, and normal citizen. She isn't afraid of being self-deprecating. As well as the fact that she doesn't praise or brag about her accomplishments or accolades.

2. Chocolate and Zuccini
I really enjoy this blog because the author's recipes not only ooze with delicious words but her enthusiasm also opens up a healthy, savory and sweet door to new foods. She takes everyday and fresh ingredients and incorporates them into tasteful and healthy alternatives to foods we often crave everyday.

3. JoBlo
This blog is a favorite because not only does it have a plethora of information on upcoming and already released movies, but it also has critique of films not even released yet. While I don't always agree with the reviews, I do often find them intriguing, informative, and humorous. There isn't a focus on who is the most popular celebrity, what fashion is being worn on the red carpet, or if famous couples broke up. It's not superfluous. Just movies.

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